The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.
- Saint Augustine

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In a Grandma Groove

"I'm going to Egypt!"

Not really.
But that's what I say as I leave for my internship twice a week. It got a laugh the first time, a chuckle the second, and now I think my roommates pretend not to hear me.

I think they're probably jealous that this is my job. 
On the left is a papyrus from the dream book, with Thomas, my supervisor behind it. Check out the cleanliness of the glass, no scratches, smudges, thumb prints or moisture to be detected. At first I thought it was weird how OCD they were about it but one day Thomas looks at me and says, "Well, these are only rehoused once every 50 years. So for the next 50 years people will be writing their research based on this, so uh.. ye know... make it perfect." So now I'm pretty obsessive when it comes to cleaning that glass. 

Went back some of my Soulful Shaq playlists ("Bringing you the booty shakin' baby makin' funk of the 60's and 70's" according to our program guide that finally got approved) for nostalgia sake and rediscovered this little gem. 

A favorite song to listen to while sanding glass: Jake Shimaburkuro: Grandma's Groove

Although I may not be going to Egypt I AM going to London on Friday! My friend and I booked a flight and decided to go pretty impromptu, but I'm pretty excited for the tea, the fuzzy hats and red telephone boxes I can take a picture coming out of. 

I made the most wonderful macaroons known to man yesterday. Naturally gluten free and intoxicatingly delicious. One of my housemates just defended her master's thesis in statistical anaylsis and got a 12 which is a perfect score. So most of these went into celebrating, but seriously, when they all tried them it was the one moment I felt like a normal baker- no weird bean sorhgum xanex crap that most of gluten free stuff is made. 

Here's the recipe: (I think that after a few of "Grandma's Macaroons" you just might be in the "Grandma Groove" ;))

2 (8 oz.) pkgs. flaked coconut
1 (14 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
2 tsp. vanilla

Mix all ingredients together and drop onto greased cookie sheet. Bake 10 to 12 minutes at 350 degrees. Let cookies set before removing from cookie sheet.

I finished "The Boy With the Topknot" today which was very interesting, and a good read! 

I also watched "Grandma's Boy" today. While knitting. You can only ignore destiny for so long before you have to come to terms with it.

Conclusion: I'm destined to be the best grandmother ever. 

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